The most exciting part of summer is the time you have to explore. Whether that means jet-setting off to another country or enriching yourself with local cultures right under your nose, our favorite memories are often created during the warmer months. These memories are often “stored” in the clothes we wear. It feels nostalgic looking at the clothes in your closet worn by the ocean, on top of the mountain, or during a special moment.
What is less exciting than dawning your finest garments is the struggle to stuff them in your suitcase. But with the right strategies, it is easy to forget your stress about packing and focus your energy on the good times ahead!
1. Prepare for the Worst
It is unpleasant to consider what can go wrong on your vacation. Even if it casts a momentary rain cloud over you, you will thank yourself later for easing troubles if things go awry. Lost luggage is everyone’s worst nightmare, but it’s common. As frustrating as it is, losing a bag does not have to ruin your vacation. Cleverly packing your carry-on can ease anxieties in the case of lost luggage. Your carry-on will remain on you when your checked baggage is whisked away on the conveyor belt. If said baggage takes a little longer to come back, make sure you fit in an extra day or two of clothes in your carry-on. This will allow you to enjoy your vacation rather than longing for your luggage in a hotel room.
2. Keep your Valuables Close
Many feel it’s their best bet to store expensive items in their checked bag. Once it’s tucked away safely in transit, you don’t have to worry about anything falling out. However, this is just transferring the responsibility to someone else. Luggage can get lost, zippers break, and those beloved jewelry pieces, sneakers, or purses can break during rough transport. Keep what’s important close to you and an extra outfit or two. Tuck away your precious items in dust bags or mini-packing boxes. By subjecting your valuables to a transit process, there are too many unknowns. Keep your favorite things by your side!
3. It’s All in the Folding
We typically fold our clothes into neat, flat squares and tuck them on top of each other in our bags. Instead, fold your clothes as many times as possible. Fold it once usually, then again in half, and maybe even a third time, depending on the garment’s size. In your suitcase, place your items next to each other rather than on top. With enough room, you can start another layer using this method. Watch as you can pack double the amount with a simple folding trick.

4. Shower Caps for Shoes
Packing shoes amongst your clean laundry and hair brush is extremely unhygienic. Sometimes, constraints do not allow for a separate shoe bag. While throwing all your shoes into a grocery bag is common, there is a more efficient method. First, tie a rubber band around each pair, with the bottoms touching each other. Use a disposable shower cap around the shoes to prevent dirt or mud from spreading. This is a great hack if you stay in a hotel where shower caps are easily accessible.
5. Compress those Clothes
No one should ever have to sit on their suitcase in the desperate pursuit of closing the zipper. To avoid this, insert your garments into large Ziploc bags. Then, press hard or sit on the bag to remove all air. Follow this up by closing the seal. This DIY suctioning technique minimizes clothing size and allows you to pack more. Also, compartmentalizing your clothes by each bag keeps all your outfits together!
With these strategies, packing does not have to seem frustrating. Start relaxing before arriving at your destination! And, as always, maximize your ability to stay stylish while you travel.
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