Are Braids Really A Protective Style? Hair Pro, Jocelin Williams, Chimes In. 

Let’s dive headfirst into the scalding hot tea swirling around one of our favorite hair trends: braids. Social media has been buzzing with conversations surrounding braids for weeks. As someone who frequently braids up, these online debates definitely sparked my interest. What is the controversial topic at hand, you ask? The hair community is completely divided as to whether or not braids are actually a protective style.

Some stylists say that braids are an amazing way to protect your mane, while others say that they do more harm than good. We wanted to get to the bottom of this trending topic, so we spoke to hairstylist extraordinaire, Jocelin Williams, for some expert insights. Given her track record of braiding celebrities like Zoe Kravitz, Alicia Keys, and Novi Brown, we knew that she was the perfect stylist to set the record straight!

Celebrity Hairstylist and Braider, Jocelin Williams

Wasting no time at all, we got right to the point and asked the celebrity stylist whether braids are truly protective or potentially damaging. The answer was much trickier than we thought it would be. According to Jocelin, any style can be a double-edged sword if not handled with care. It’s all about finding that delicate balance between pulling a look and preserving the health of your hair. Tension and scalp care are the MVPs here. So, while braids are incredible for giving your hair a break from daily styling, they also require some maintenance in return.

As someone who’s been a braider for years, Jocelin knows a thing or two about proper hair care after being braided. From prepping your hair to post-braid pampering, every step plays a crucial role in minimizing damage and maximizing slayage. With each new braiding technique and style, there’s a potential for both benefits and drawbacks when it comes to your hair’s health. It’s a journey of discovery, people, and proper education is key. Have conversations with your stylist about the best ways to keep your hair and scalp healthy while wearing braids, your mane will thank you later.

I know what you’re thinking, how do you achieve social media-worthy braids without sacrificing your hair’s well-being? Don’t worry, Jocelin’s got your back. The stylist says “I’ve always felt that as the professional, our job is to manage our client’s expectations.” It’s all about customizing, this is why consulting a professional is so important. Regular washes, scalp scrubs, deep conditioning, and keeping your natural hair moisturized, are all essential in protecting the integrity of your natural hair while in braids. Factors including your scalp condition, hair strength, and personal preferences, will determine your exact maintenance routine. Jocelin ensures that following an individualized product regimen from your stylist will keep your braids tight and right, while your tresses remain happy and healthy.

So ultimately, what we’ve learned is that braids are intended to be a protective style, but if not maintained properly, they can do just as much damage as daily styling. With a little knowledge and a whole lot of love, you can rock those braids like the Queen you are, while keeping your hair in pristine condition.


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