Is Double Cleansing At Night Necessary?

girl washing face
girl washing face

Skincare trends come and go, but some do stick around! Double cleansing in particular has been popularized in recent years, booming in regions like Korea and spreading like wildfire throughout the world. Although, this trend is still around and hasn’t gone astray. Is this because the practice can take your skincare routine to the next level?

What Exactly Is Double Cleansing?

After a long day, it’s important to wash your face and remove all impurities. With different layers of products on your skin, such as makeup and sunscreen, it’s necessary to cleanse to prevent breakouts and keep your skin healthy and radiant.

Double cleansing is a method that strives to effectively remove all bacteria, dirt, and product residue; which entails washing your face twice with different base cleansers.

By using an oil-based cleanser first, you efficiently break up oil-based remnants and grime. This is great for dissolving makeup, waterproof sunscreen, and serum from the skin. A gentle water-based cleanser should be used afterwards to rinse all of the oil, residue, and impurities.

Is It Necessary?

Now the question is, do you need to double cleanse? Dermatologist Dr. Dray responded and shared to her YouTube audience, “Absolutely not.” She goes on to say, “It’s kind of a matter of personal preference. In my experience, I find that it is an effective way to remove the film of cosmetic residue and water-resistant sunscreen with less dryness and irritation.” 

Photo @DrDrayDayz

Consider double cleansing if you are a daily makeup wearer or if you use a water-resistant sunscreen. Using an oil-based cleanser will successfully break down product residue and impurities in a way that will not aggravate your skin.

My Experience

I found out about the practice from Dr. Dray on YouTube a while back. As someone who has listened to her skincare advice and received optimal results, I decided to give it a try. I bought ROHTO’s Hadalabo Cleansing Oil as the first step in my nighttime skincare routine.

I found it was quicker and more efficient to remove all of my makeup using this cleanser. The oil easily removes layers of products without me having to wipe or scrub hard multiple times. This was quite a contrast for me as I was used to makeup wipes and alternative solutions that often took longer to do the same.

As someone who is aging-conscious, knowing that I do not have to be rough on my skin makes me worry less about premature wrinkles. Plus, my skin feels so smooth and refreshed once the process is done; it’s the reason why I will continue to incorporate double cleansing in my skincare routine!

So the question is, will you try double cleansing?


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