Popular Cosmetic Procedures According to a Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Barry Weintraub
Dr. Barry Weintraub

Plastic surgery is ever-changing and evolving in this day and age. According to aesthetic plastic surgeon Dr. Barry Weintraub, plastic surgery can be described as “the surgical rearrangement of different anatomical elements of the face and body to achieve [a] more aesthetically pleasing appearance.” Of course, these procedures aren’t magic, but it’s about helping the patient achieve the best possible version of themselves. Just like in all aspects of lifestyle, cosmetic surgery can also have trends. Here are some of 2023’s most popular plastic surgery trends according to a plastic surgeon.

Dr. Barry Weintraub

Plastic surgery is on the rise nationally in both men and women, and the most popular procedures among both groups are facelifts. For men, facelifts often include lessening the nasolabial folds (smile lines), removing the jowls (the lower part of the cheek), sharpening the jawline, and lifting the part of the neck that hangs over collared shirts and ties. This kind of facelift has experienced a steep rise in recent years.

For women, the kinds of facelifts that are popular are called the triplanar lift, “a facelift that addresses the three anatomical planes with different tensions of support,” according to Dr. Weintraub. These three anatomical planes are the deep plane (deeper muscles and connective tissue), the SMAS plane (superficial musculoaponeurotic system musculature), and the subcutaneous plane (deepest skin layer). While these terms may seem super fancy and confusing, the overall result is very natural. “Thankfully, the trend of overfilling a face as a substitute for surgery has finally decreased,” Dr. Weintraub said. “Excessive filling of loose skin makes people look like pumpkins and does not address the structural issues that cause the skin to hang in the first place.”

Subtle Rhinoplasty with a Gentle Tip
Dr. Barry Weintraub - Subtle Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that can change the shape of your nose. For Dr. Weintraub, many patients get a subtle rhinoplasty. Often, patients who get this surgery have a bump on their nose bridge, bulbous tips, downturned tips, or noses that they consider to be too large or too wide. Getting a subtle rhinoplasty is therefore “structurally satisfying” for these patients.

Buccal Fat Pad Removal

The third and final biggest plastic surgery trend of 2023 is the removal of the buccal fat pads, or the fat between your cheekbones and jaw bones. This is generally for patients who have rounder faces or lack definition in the lower cheek area. “In my practice, I remove approximately half of the buccal fat, because removing too much can make people look unnatural,” Dr. Weintraub said. Buccal fat pads are removed through a small incision inside the mouth.

You Want Plastic Surgery… Now What?

As with any procedure, it’s important that you do your research! There are risks with any surgery, not just cosmetic, so make sure you use a surgeon you trust. Most importantly, make sure you don’t compromise your health or true self when going to get cosmetic surgery. “In my office, extreme or inappropriate trends are avoided,” says Dr. Weintraub. “Such guidance should be the responsibility of the plastic surgeon to say ‘no.'”

Proper research is of utmost important when deciding the perfect surgeon for you. Make sure that your surgeon is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery if you’re getting your procedure in America. There are resources for searching for board-certified surgeons that can be found here.

Dr. Weintraub often performs many revision surgeries for patients who have had subpar experiences with surgeries done through different surgeons. This is due to them often going against their intuition. “It’s difficult to be a patient, searching through endless lists of surgeons to find the one who is right for you. It’s confusing to try to discern if the doctor is really a board-certified plastic surgeon, and if the surgeon is experienced in the desired procedure[s],” Dr. Weintraub said. “After doing your proper research, I suggest to patients that they listen to their intuition and choose the surgeon who sincerely cares about their wellbeing.”


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