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Mental Health and Fashion

Mental Health Cover Halston
Mental Health Cover Halston

The long hours and constant pressure individuals face when working in the fashion industry can take a toll on one’s mental health. Models can acquire eating disorders, designers feel the constant pressure of having to create the “next big thing,” and other professionals working in the industry feel this stress as well by working extensive hours and having to meet deadlines. The competitiveness of the field and the criticism of each brand’s appearance are other common stressors. We have seen the harmful effects on some of our beloved designers from the past. For instance, Roy Halston Frowick, also known as Halston, Alexander McQueen, Kate Spade, and Erin Heatherton.

Halston rose up after Jacqueline Kennedy wore one of his designs. The American fashion designer created minimalist yet luxurious designs and became one of the most influential artists of the 1970s. Although Halston had much success, he turned to drugs to compensate for his demanding work schedule. Halston struggled with a drug addiction that ultimately led to his downfall after he sold his name to JCPenney and received a lot of backlash because of it.

World-famous designer Alexander McQueen also experienced detrimental mental health issues from working in the fashion industry. Due to the high stress and demands of the job, McQueen suffered from anxiety, depression, and addiction. After struggling with severe burnout, McQueen passed away by suicide in 2010 at age 40. 

The bright and colorful designer, Kate Spade, was taking medication to battle her anxiety and depression. She died by suicide in 2018 at age 55. The announcement of her passing on Twitter was a shock to the public, since her designs were always playful and cheerful. This goes to show that anyone can be severely struggling with their mental health behind closed doors. 

Former Victoria’s Secret model, Erin Heatherton, suffered from depression and body image issues. After being told she needed to lose weight, the model obtained an unhealthy relationship with food and became clinically depressed. Many past and current models share a similar experience to Heatherton in relation to mental health struggles. 

In today’s society, fashion is a form of self-expression and can boost an individual’s confidence. However, it is important to remember those who have passed and look at the person behind all the glamor, taking into account what they may be dealing with.

If you are struggling with any mental health ailment (anxiety, depression, addiction), it’s okay to reach out for help. Whether it be reaching out to your healthcare provider or one of the many specialized services that one can use for everyday support.

For example, the Ginger Emotional Support app or the 988 Lifeline Chat and Text, both of which are available 24/7. 

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