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Real, Faux, and Recycled Fur: Pros and Cons

Fox Fur Coat
Fox Fur Coat

When winter weather approaches, there is nothing better than feeling warm and looking fabulous in a big fur coat. A quality fur coat is a staple for every winter wardrobe. The question is: what kind should you get? Is faux fur really that different from the real thing? What is the difference between real and recycled fur? Luckily, we have a guide for you.

Real Fur

When it comes to real fur, the benefits are obvious: it’s authentic, luxurious, and will keep you warm during the cold months. However, these benefits contribute to high price points and maintenance. Many people also argue that real fur is unethical, as it requires killing an animal. Most clothing brands have switched to faux fur for convenience and ethics.   

Faux Fur

Faux fur is a blend of polyester, modacrylic, and acrylic fibers designed to imitate real animal fur. With advanced technology, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to spot the difference between real and synthetic fur. It’s not quite as warm and luxurious as the real thing, but it’s cost-effective, animal-friendly, and accessible. Faux fur is a great option for fashion lovers who want the look of real fur without the moral dilemma. 

Recycled Fur 

Recycled fur is exactly what it sounds like; it’s vintage fur that has been repurposed. There is still debate on whether recycled fur is okay to wear (PETA definitely does not think so), but if you have a strong desire for real fur, I suggest purchasing pieces made from recycled materials as opposed to buying brand-new fur pieces. Etsy offers a ton of unique coats and handmade accessories made from recycled fur. 

What are your thoughts on real fur? Where do you go to buy fur pieces, real or fake?


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