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Beauty Brand Spotlight: 111SKIN

It is entirely fitting, that, for the April Issue of our magazine, our chosen beauty brand to spotlight for this month would be a company named 111SKIN. In my own story, several years ago, after looking at the time when it was exactly 11:11 dozens of times over weeks, I finally asked someone on the bus I was on if there was any significance to the time 11:11 – a question which then would launch a sequence of events that changed the entire trajectory of my life, in a very good way. I am now a huge believer in angel numbers, which makes spotlighting this brand especially meaningful for me.

Beauty, as we all know, is expensive. And it is true that the more resources you have, the easier it is to stay young and beautiful. Even if you eat well, get a good amount of rest every night, avoid stressful interactions as much as possible, meditate, listen to music at the “divine frequencies”, and do every other thing possible to immerse yourself in wellness even if you’re on a budget, the fact remains that, at age 50, if you get a facelift, you’re going to look a lot younger than someone your age who does not.

It is this, exactly, that I love about 111SKIN. A one-month supply of their Black Diamond Cream, a luxury face cream, is pricier than their competitors – but, with its proven ability to reduce wrinkles by 32%, and improve skin firmness by 47%, and a solid 4.5 out of 5 average rating from over 150 consumers across four different commerce websites, it becomes very clear that it is a fantastic alternative to a mini facelift, for a fraction of the price.

Almost all of the products that 111SKIN sells on different commerce stores, including Amazon, retain their average ratings of at least 4 out of 5, with most averaging out at 4.5 out of 5, and just a few averaging out at 3.5 out of 5. Certain general algorithm laws universally apply on popular websites, one of which is that, for every thousand people who use a product, one person will review it. As someone who has been a beauty product reviewer, researcher, and enthusiast for many years, I find it exceptionally surprising – and impressive – that a skincare company at a substantially higher price point than usual not only has that many consumers buying the products that they have so many reviews, but that the ratings are at a very solid typical average of 4 and above out of 5.

I am an especially huge fan of the aforementioned Black Diamond Cream, and their shop has a couple dozen other products for sale as well. As someone who is obsessed with beauty grab bags, their Secret Skincare Edit, which, for $295, will send you a randomized box with five of their skincare items, that are all for universal skin types, and provide you with a 50% savings on everything in the box, positively makes me squeal with delight.

Not only are all of the products from 111SKIN highly effective and well worth the money, but there also is something to be said about a company whose products have excellent packaging – and the visual appeal of the 111SKIN product containers is a perfect balance of minimalist and “come hither”.  The purple capsules from their Reparative Beauty Dose, which are made from a blend of vegetarian ingredients, are especially unique and appealing. Especially when we are gifting someone, sometimes something as simple as a pretty package for an outstanding product will be the ultimate decision-maker when we choose to buy the product. And, to put it very simply, the packaging of the products sold by 111SKIN is, truly, very pretty.

This season, we all are mentally editing which goals for the new year we want to toss out, and which ones we want to keep. Investing in your youth by getting the Black Diamond luxury face cream from 111SKIN, or any of their other exemplary luxury beauty products, is a fantastic goal for the new year, and these products are keepers.


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